The world is heating up and it's due to human consumption. That's the theory, but I am yet to be 100% convinced that it's not just "natural" fluctuation. There is certainly a lot of hot air (;-}) spouted about the subject and it's becoming a multi-billion dollar industry to manage the "crisis".
One of the chief arguments that bloated Americans (for example) give for their use of energy is that there's nothing to worry about since most inventions and discovery come from adversity and if we need a way to cool the planet then science and technology will provide it. You certainly can't deny that so much is invented in times of stress and need, but it's a risky premise, isn't it?
Apparently not. It would appear that we have no problems: our planet is teeming with free energy (we're all made out of the stuff anyway, aren't we?!) if this link is anything to go by. Also take a look at this!
I don't exactly think our worries are over, but it just doesn't make sense to me to panic about this since there's so much energy out there for the taking (long term affects aside: the planet is not a closed energy system and therefore we need to be thinking in global energy/entropy terms about our wind and solar panel farms).
What worries me more is that bureaucracy and inertia will hamper developing the multitude of techniques available (here's another one: link). It seems much more likely that we will be wiped out not from being too hot, but from being too lazy, stupid and officious.
I'm still going to recycle as much as I can, but I will continue to use energy as I have done (which already includes turning off lights etc). It can't hurt to be more aware of one's energy footprint.
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