Whilst I appreciate that I'm becoming more and more middle-aged and the trappings of middle age are becoming me more and more, specifically issues relating to law and order and society in general I have to protest, yet again, to my blog about the state of the legal system in the UK at the moment. Perhaps I am missing something and perhaps the press are misrepresenting the truth, but since this seems to happen with worrying and increasing frequency (see previous post) I have to think that it is really happening and our society is going mad! I remember my parents railing against similar injustices so perhaps it's just "my time" and there is no greater incidence of crazy sentencing or judgements than previously, but for God's sake (!), what is this about: link !!!
I have nothing at all against drinking and smoking and in fact I have nothing against any substance at all if used with care, but to drink 2 bottles of wine and smoke a shit-load of pot whilst looking after a child is, in my opinion, a criminal offence worthy of 12 months in gaol. This woman (whilst not deserving of that title) almost certainly deserves 10 years in gaol.
I guess I'm not privy to the information that the jury is privy to, but I cannot understand (my bad, of course) why a jury found her not guilty. What part of "imbibing oneself to semi-consciousness and allowing a dog to kill a child" did they not understand!
I can only imagine that the law has become so back-footed that it has to be outrageously obvious for any conviction to occur.
I have recently seen an interesting article which I balked at at first, but upon reflection began to believe it (if only partially): link.
I think another consequence of heading towards one's middle age is becoming more conservative. I have mentioned in this blog before about the rising anti-Islamic feeling in the West and how it's not necessarily a racist issue, but more one of respectfulness. This recent article reminded me of that and also made me think that perhaps it is right to react against change when it is only for people who seem to keep on taking without end. This is in no way a racist outburst. I feel strongly that we need immigration, but only with full integration. I don't think that many immigrants feel that way; it seems that immigration is fine, but integration is not. Of course it's not an easy issue and the incumbent population are more to blame than the immigrating one.
The onus is on the West to stand up for what it believes in. This is what George Bush Jnr et al think they have done, but they have done it in an underhand and calculated way. There has to be an honest and open discussion of what our values are in the West and once we can agree on that we have to stick to them.
.... and then pigs will truly fly ....
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