Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Owning Up, Justice and Revenge - Tales from Ancient Rome #1

The period in Roman history called the "Year Of The Four Emperors" is a fascinating and compelling time.

When Nero's successor Galba (a sensible and careful emperor, although foolishly so) was brutally killed over 100 people claimed the credit. This was in order to get on the good side of Otho (the next emperor).

Otho was no doubt pleased and a list of these names was drawn up.

Otho served as emperor for 3 months before committing suicide, perhaps as a noble gesture.

When Otho's successor Vitellius gained control he executed every one of the 100 or so people who had claimed to have killed Galba (Galba had helped Vitellius the year before).

What goes around comes around.

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